Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Toto, we're not in surgery anymore

Cardio-thoracic: The doctor tells a PA what order to write. The PA writes it, and the patient asks the nurse "why?". The nurse asks the PA "why?" and the PA either ignores the question or rolls their eyes and says they're busy.

CCMU: The doctor makes a suggestion for plan of care. The nurse says "I don't that will work because...", the doctor says "oh yeah, that's true", the resident writes orders according to what the nurse dictates.

Cardio-thoracic: You need stat labs. STAT usually means between 1-2 hours, even though you've paged the floor phlebotomist, and the charge phlebotomist twice. You try to find someone on the floor who actually knows how to stick a patient. Respiratory therapy ends up taking pity on you and trying to help you.

CCMU: You need stat labs. You go to the draw, take out the syringe and tubes, and draw the labs from the art line. The respiratory therapist says, hey will you grab some blood gases too? And you do. Then you print the label, walk 8 steps to the lab, and drop the labeled tubes in their bucket. They hand deliver the results to you 10 minutes later.

Cardio-thoracic: The doctor's name is "Dr. P." In two years, he has not made eye contact with you, addressed you in any way, and ignores any comment you might deign to make in his presence. When he walks down the hall, you are expected to move immediately out of his way, or risk the withering glares and cold shoulders of his PAs for the rest of the week.

CCMU: The doctor's name is "Jack". He sits at the desk with the nurses, making chit chat. He shakes the new orientee's hand and introduces himself. He asks the bedside nurse if she agrees with his plan. He is grateful for her input, even though she is directly contradicting him. He remarks on the high acuity of a patient given to the new orientee. He seems, um... human.

1 comment:

SummerAnytime said...

Hi! I just have to say I agree on all acounts!! I worked on a CV floor during nursing school and then I did my preceptorship in the ICU and I fell in love! The nurses put in the orders they want in the MD name, docs know the nurses by name and will shute the breeze at the nurses station with us.Our own pharmacy is right down the hall and I just love it. I recently passed nclex and will be starting in a Neuro/med-surg ICU unit in May. Can't wait!